7 Best Books to Read for Success

by | Aug 8, 2018 | Entrepreneurship

There is no magic pill. Not for becoming rich, nor for being more charismatic. Anything you will achieve in life depends on hard work and focused efforts. That is the exact reason, I’ve made this list, that I call the 7 best books to read for success. There is no book which is able to guarantee you an overnight success. Simply because that is not possible. Yet, if you read these volumes, which are in one way or another dedicated on success, you’ll get a formula to follow and thus enhance your chances to become successful.

It was not that long ago that we’ve published a list of 6 books to read to become successful entrepreneur. These books were, more or less, directed to … well inspiring your entrepreneurial spirit.

But what if you want to feel successful as a human being? We got to admit, it’s not all fame and financial prosperity.

There is a lot more to life than having a large bank account and driving an expensive vehicle. In fact, you can be successful whether you have money or no. And if you are, the money will naturally follow.

This is the exact reason that I’ve made the following list. To direct you towards a better version of yourself. A successful version.

Recommendation: Follow our Instagram and Facebook pages. We are striving to motivate you with an endless supply of quotes and books that you definitely should check out.

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Best Books to Read for Success


Let’s be honest about the following – we are all different. As there are no products that are good for everyone, there are no books that can indulge everyone’s needs.

The best books to read for success are the books that will enhance your weakest skills. If you feel, rightfully, that there are no skills that you need to enhance, you may want to rethink that. But if that is true, more power to you. Well done.

Still, I recommend you to check the list. You may find something that is for you.

Not all books are created equal. Some of them are good for sleepless nights. Others should be read by everyone. At least once. Thus, the volumes in the list, are books to read for success. Meaning, not that if you don’t read them, there is no way for you to become successful. It means that if you read them, your chances for success are higher. A lot higher.


12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson


In the last couple of years, Jordan Peterson has become a widely recognized figure. Even though the clinical psychologist has a very controversial public image, what he says and creates is something worth listening to. You may not always agree with his opinion, but it is always well articulated and argued.

From the title of the book, one can easily be misled that the volume is yet another self-help nonsense. Yet, Peterson is making one step further than just writing some recommendations on how you should live your life. The book is more of a personal story and at the end, you’ll really feel connected to the author. Especially if you choose to get the audio version, which he reads by himself.

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson will surely make you feel something. Perhaps motivation. Perhaps empowerment. It may even help you find out why you are not successful…yet.

The parallels made in the book may confuse you, but everything gets in its place at the end. It always does.

Get 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson



Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin


Are you the bartender that greets and sents off customers with a smile? Are you the person that gives everything he has… and a little bit more at the office. Are you a Linchpin? Are you Indispensable?

I know that I’ve mentioned the author in the article on books to read to become successful entrepreneur.

But, yes. Seth Godin. Again. Talk about SEO as much as you want. When you search ‘Seth’ in Google, the first result (after Wikipedia, of course) is the website of Mr. Godin. Want to know why? Because people like him are rare. That’s why.

Linchpin is a book dedicated to motivating you to take the next step. To become your best self. To invest not only your time and skills in whatever you do. To be more than a bolt.

Godin invites us into a world, where you can create art from whatever you do. To change people’s moments, days, and lives. By giving. Emotional, genuine giving. Giving for the giving itself. Not because of the ‘Golden Rule’.

Seth Godin is a Linchpin. He has all the rights to write that book.

Get Linchpin: Are You Indispensable? by Seth Godin


Way of the Wolf: Straight Line Selling: Master the Art of Persuasion, Influence, and Success by Jordan Belfort


That surely is a long title for a book. And Jordan Belfort is surely controversial. Yet, the so-called Wolf of Wall Street surely has something to say about selling, influence, and persuasion. Furthermore, only the idealists believe that you can be successful if you are unable to sell, and persuade others.

The straight line selling is an interesting perception. Mostly because it doesn’t recognize ‘No’ as an acceptable answer. Don’t get me wrong. Every now and then, we all get rejected. Our ideas -unappreciated. And our proposals – denied.

On the other hand, the straight line selling philosophy has its internal logic. Jordan Belfort believes that every ‘No’ that we get is not a complete rejection. Furthermore, it means something like ‘Not now.’ or ‘I am not convinced yet’.

Following the straight line strategy, especially if you are capable of feeling the pulse of your prospect’s emotions, you’ll become an immense success. There is probably nothing more important to success than being able to communicate and articulate properly.

Get Way of the Wolf: Straight Line Selling: Master the Art of Persuasion, Influence, and Success by Jordan Belfort


Mastery by Robert Greene


For most of his life, Robert Greene was what most of us will think a long-time failure. According to the author, he worked 80 jobs. These include construction worker, translator, editor, and a movie writer. Maybe he was good at what he was doing, but in a number of interviews, Greene shared feelings of purposelessness.

The author never felt that with his labor he was creating something meaningful. As much for himself as for other people.

And after that, the 48 Laws of Power was written.

The rest, as they say, is history.

Mastery is one of the books to read for success. It is a book about focus. About purpose. About hard work. A book that everyone should read.

If we must bring out the essence of success it is exactly this. Mastery. Becoming a master at something is not easy. Yet, the more competent you are in whatever hierarchy you are competing, the more successful you will be. Guaranteed.

(More about competence hierarchy, in the first book of the list – 12 Rules for Life)

Robert Greene is a great historian and philosopher.

And ‘Mastery’ surely is a book that you would want to read to become successful.

Get Mastery by Robert Greene


Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital by Philip Kotler


Maybe you’ve enrolled in our Reseller Hosting program, maybe you didn’t. But whatever you are doing, in this day and age, you need marketing. And if you are about to market your personality, art or any type of work, you will need to get to know the ins and outs of digital marketing.

Philip Kotler is one of the greatest minds in marketing.

Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital is the much-needed handbook for next-generation marketing. Written by the world’s leading marketing authorities, this book helps you navigate the increasingly connected world and changing consumer landscape to reach more customers, more effectively.


Get Marketing 4.0: Moving from Traditional to Digital by Philip Kotler

Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger


There are some things that catch on, and some things that are destined to sink into the void.

Jonah Berger is trying his best to give us the essence of what are the reasons for that to be so. The author is presenting us with stories to remember and a list of the factors that will make what you do contagious.

The book is a mixture of research and stories. You’ll find out why anti-drug commercials might have actually increased drug use, and why more than 200 million consumers shared a video about one of the seemingly most boring products there is a blender. If you’ve wondered why certain stories get shared, e-mails get forwarded, or videos go viral, you’ll find the answers to those question in Contagious.


Get Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger


The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene


This is one will probably be one of the best books to read for success. Most probably it deserves to be mandatory to everyone who strives for higher accomplishments. If you don’t read anything else from the list, read this one. Robert Greene is, as already mentioned, a real doyen of the human nature.

The Laws of Human Nature is a book that is about to come out on October 23, 2018. Yet, after reading all of his previous books, you know there will be something to learn from Mr. Greene in his newest book.

If you want to be successful, you need to get to know people. To be able to get along with people. And, of course, to be able to charm people. And is there any better way to achieve all of that than to go deeper in human nature?

I promise you’ll be glad that you’ve invested your time in it.

Get The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene


This list of books to read for success is not full, of course. You can always add one more. Or two.

Follow Reseller Cluster on Instagram to motivate yourself and further expand the list of books you are about to read.



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