7 Tips for Naming Your Business

by | Sep 5, 2018 | Entrepreneurship

Starting a reseller hosting business is easy. Just go to Reseller Cluster’s signup page, choose a username and password. A new screen will show up, where you should enter your information to finish the process. And that’s it. After these two steps, all you need to do is to customize your new hosting reselling website. But there are some things that you need to consider before signing up for our reseller program. Like naming your business.

There is an important distinction that we should make right away.

The process of naming your business could be different according to the scale of what you are about to create. Naming a small business is one thing. You will have to consider your country’s language, culture, your targeted audience (of course).

On the other hand, naming a business with the goal of global domination (or at least global recognition) should start with a consideration of your targeted audience, and their culture, and language.

When you are in the process of picking a business name, follow these tips:


  1. Start with a Brainstorm
  2. Consider Your Target Audience
  3. Consider Your Brand’s Values
  4. Keep the Name Short and Easy to Remember
  5. Avoid too Literal Business Names
  6. Avoid Trends
  7. Consider Possible Misinterpretations



1. Start with a Brainstorm

Brainstorming ideas is a great problem-solving technique.

Actually, sitting down and coming up with one idea after another, is a task way more suitable for creative people. And while the stats are clear on that matter – entrepreneurial spirit’s natural habitat is the creative mind – it is not mandatory for you to be creative to be an entrepreneur.

Whether you are creative or not, you might benefit a lot by writing down as much possible names for your business as you are capable of coming up with.

The secret to the meaningful brainstorming session is to write down every idea. Just write them down. The idea value evaluation process should be separated from the brainstorming itself.


2. Consider Your Target Audience

A few years ago, in Bulgaria, my native land, the world-famous brand – Danone – started a product line called “Danone for men”.  As its own name shows this product was targeting men.

The package was an edgy, masculine, bottle, with premium black color.

The advertising was good.

Danone Bulgaria was even priced internationally on their innovation.

As far as I am concerned Danone did all they had to. All, but one thing.

The “Danone for men” product was quickly discontinued, due to lack of sales (I’m unable to find a reason to discontinue a product that has high sales).

What was that thing that Danone failed to observe?

The target group.

Were “Danone” to check up the percentage of the population that were identifying themselves as men(above all else), they probably would have reconsidered launching this product.

And with another name, the product could have lived longer. But its own name was the harbinger of its death. Its own name, although good, was targeting the product to a group of people that were either not ready for the product or just haven’t had the need to buy it.

When naming your business try to avoid names that are targeting it to an audience that you are not familiar with.

Speaking of the hosting business, the audience is predominantly male. Therefore choosing a more masculine name for your web hosting reseller business, will hardly be a mistake.


3.  Consider Your Brand’s Values

Every successful business should stand behind something of value, for it to be reliable and noteworthy. That value structure will at best be presented through the name of the business.

Keeping in mind all of the previous and following business naming tips, you will be able to foresee how a probable name of your business could affect its future.


4. Keep the Name Short and Easy to Remember

As with slogans, the name of your business should be short and easy to remember.

That advice is pretty straightforward. There is nothing more to it. The shorter your business name is the easier it will be remembered.

Yet, stay away from words that are not easy to pronounce, are easy to be misspelled, and or don’t have any meaning at all.

If your business name has absolutely no meaning, neither a word that resembles something that the customers have heard of, you’ll make the remembrance of the name near impossible.

Try to avoid that.

But don’t go too literal as well…

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5. Avoid too Literal Business Names

When SEO was at its genesis, a lot of people were striving to buy domain names with real words in them. Thus, if someone searches for “pizza” and your domain was pizza.com the chances of your website to be ranked higher in SERP, were a lot greater than everyone else’s.

That way, the real words in the domain names of these websites became their business names.

With time most if not all real word domains got registered, which is one of the reasons for you to avoid such a naming. You just won’t be able to find a domain for your business.

The other and the more important reason to avoid literal business name is the fact that people already have a perception and understanding of the word. And except in the rare cases where the brand is powerful enough to overcome that (like Apple Inc., for instance), it would be better if you just avoided literal business name in the first place.

Note! If you are first in something, and you get to invent the word together with your brand’s name, like Coca-Cola, it is a great opportunity for the word, which with time will become a byword for all products of this kind, to be used in the business name. In all the other cases, you may want to avoid that.


6. Avoid Trends

Trends come and go.

Naming your business on something trendy puts you at risk. What will happen with your business, once the trend sinks down into the void, from where it came?

Are you about to rename your business? If so, why don’t you try to create a brand that is here to stay? Something stable and reliable is always preferred to the trendy and versatile.

Being stable creates trust.

And yes, if your business changes its name everytime a new trend comes up, while the old disappears, there is no other choice for people than to distrust your brand. They simply won’t be able to figure out who you are, what you are standing for… and until when.

Trends are a temporary phenomenon, and sooner or later, they’ll end. Don’t let the closing of a trend to become the closing of your business. Be stable.


7. Consider Possible Misinterpretations

The marketing textbooks are filled with examples of businesses that were created to be local and once they’ve tried to conquer a new market, they figured out that their business name was sounding funny in the new country.

Note: For your business name to sound funny is the best (from the negative) possible scenario(s).

There are names that are straightforward offensive. Brands are becoming memes just because their name was not appropriate for the new market. You definitely want to avoid such a setup.

Therefore, if you are considering to be presented on the global market, or at least in the countries near yours, bear in mind their culture, and language when deciding on your business’ name.



Naming your business surely is a complex matter. There are a number of factors to take into consideration when doing so. Yet, if you follow these 7 tips you’ll deal with most of these factors, and thus, facilitate the process.

Let’s Recap:

  1. Start with a Brainstorm
  2. Consider Your Target Audience
  3. Consider Your Brand’s Values
  4. Keep the Name Short and Easy to Remember
  5. Avoid too Literal Business Names
  6. Avoid Trends
  7. Consider the Possible International Misinterpretations


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