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Order Tools

Reseller Control Panel – Order Tools

Screenshot of Reseller Order Tools section

Order Tools (also known as Remote Reseller Tools) menu is available only in the Advanced Mode of the Reseller Control Panel.

We provide you with a powerful tool that generates a source code for remote order forms i.e. Remote Order Form, Remote Domain Form, Remote Login/Lost Password Form. You can use our source codes on your remote site i.e. any site not hosted with us, differing from our pre-designed templates.

We also provide you elaborate solutions to modify the layout of all order forms using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) so that they best fit your site design.

Remote Order Form

Screenshot of Reseller Control Panel Remote Order Form section

Allows you to generate an order form you can use remotely on a site not hosted on our servers, and not using our pre-designed templates.

Remote Login Form

Screenshot of Reseller Remote Login Form section

Allows you to generate a Login/Lost Password Form that you can use remotely on a site not hosted on our servers and not using our pre-designed templates. The Login Form is the form clients use to log into their Hosting Control Panel. The Lost Password is the form a client may use to request a password reset.

Remote Regions Drop-down

Screenshot of Reseller Remote Regions Dropdown section

Allows you to set up a drop-down on your remote website for listing regions and switching currencies.

Remote Chat and Demo Codes

Screenshot of Reseller Control Panel Remote Chat and Demo Codes section

Allows you to generate source code for our live chat and demo login.

Remote Domain Form

Screenshot of Reseller Remote Domain Form section

Allows you to generate a Domain Form (availability search/domain order form) that you can use remotely on a site not hosted on our servers and not using our pre-designed templates.

Remote Contact Form

Screenshot of Reseller Remote Contact Form section

Allows you to generate Contact Form that you can use remotely on a site not hosted on our servers and not using our pre-designed templates. The Contact Form is the form clients use to contact our sales and abuse teams.

Plans Description

Screenshot of Reseller Plans Description section

Allows you to view the Plan Description of the plans you offer in your stores.

Remote Plan Comparison

Screenshot of Reseller Remote Plan Comparison section

Allows you to generate a Remote Plan Comparison page that you can use remotely on a site not hosted on our servers and without using our pre-designed templates.

Remote Semi-Dedicated Hosting Comparison

Screenshot of Reseller Remote Semi-Dedicated Comparison section

Allows you to generate a Remote Semi-Dedicated Hosting Plans Comparison page that you can use remotely on a site not hosted on our servers and without using our pre-designed templates.

Remote Servers Form

Screenshot of Reseller Remote Servers Form section

Allows you to generate a Remote Servers Comparison page that you can use remotely on a site not hosted on our servers and without using our pre-designed templates.

Remote SSLs Form

Screenshot of Reseller Remote SSLs Form section

Allows you to generate a Remote SSLs Comparison page that you can use remotely on a site not hosted on our servers and without using our pre-designed templates.

Remote Affiliate Signup Form

Screenshot of Reseller Remote Affiliate Signup Form section

Allows you to generate an Affiliate Signup form that you can use remotely on a site not hosted on our servers and not using our pre-designed templates.

Remote Affiliate Login Form

Screenshot of Remote Reseller Affiliate Login Form section

Allows you to generate an Affiliate Login/Lost Password form that you can use remotely on a site not hosted on our servers and not using our pre-designed templates. The Affiliate Login Form is the form affiliates use to log in to their Affiliate Control Panel. The Affiliate Lost Password is the form an affiliate may use to request a password reset.

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