Support Center | Control Panel | Reseller Information

Reseller Information

Screenshot of Reseller Information section

The Reseller Information menu presents mainly records of your reseller account.

You can see your account username, change your account password, change the reseller mode of your account (simple or advanced), edit your account contact and payment information.

Note: Please comply with our Terms of Services and always keep your contact and payment information up to date.

Account Renewal


Screenshot of Reseller Account Renewal section


The Account Renewal section allows you to extend your services and see their expiration dates, renewal options, etc.

Account Details


Screenshot of Reseller Account Details section

This section shows your reseller account username and allows you to change your account password.

Account Settings


Screenshot of Reseller Account Settings section


This section allows you to customize your account settings, such as your Reseller Mode and your Favorite buttons on the left.

Contact Details

Screenshot of Reseller Contact Details section

This section shows your reseller account contact details and allows you to update them.

Payment Details


Screenshot of Reseller Payment details

This section shows your preferred method of payment for collecting your commissions and allows you to set a payment release level.

My Orders


Screenshot of My Orders section


My Orders Section displays the orders which you have made. You can monitor the status of the orders by checking the order details.

My Invoices


Screenshot of My Invoices section


The My Invoices section helps you get or request invoices for your orders.

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ResellerCluster's Hosting Reselling program is completely free. You can create your white label hosting company in a matter of minutes, not days. And yes, it is free.


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