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Support Technology

ResellerCluster’s Integrated Customer Support Technology

A. Initiation

Our web reseller hosting program allows you and your customers to receive instant technical help and more information about our free web hosting reseller services. As a web reseller with us, you can provide your customers free web hosting, shared and VPS hosting, and free support, which we provide on your behalf. The Customer Support Procedure starts with the initiation of a request by the customer. This can be done by opening a ticket through the Trouble Ticket System integrated into the web hosting Control Panel, by a phone call to one of our customer support agents, or by email.


B. Support Procedure

  1. In all three cases the request is entered into our fully automated CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. It automatically detects the store the client belongs to – this is to ensure that further dealing with the customer is fully branded (all web pages and documents have the brand that you selected as a free web hosting reseller for YOUR COMPANY). Then the CRM analyzes the type of the issue: If it is a sales issue – it is directly forwarded to our sales and billing team. If it is an issue regarding our reseller hosting program or our web hosting functionalities – it is transferred to the Trouble Ticket System and the customer support team at Level 1. If the system detects a highly critical issue such as downtime or data loss, it directly prompts the issue to our rapid deployment force that includes the best technicians in our company, which are immediately taking care of the issue and are available 24/7.
  2. Our Trouble Ticket system is further handling the whole internal (within our team) and external (with the client) communication. Here customers have a live track of the status of their issues. They are always able to view and add comments or screenshots concerning the opened ticket.
  3. A support member is taking the responsibility for the trouble ticket and starts working efficiently until the issue is completely resolved.
  4. Almost 90% of all issues are solved by our Level 1 support members. However, there are some custom and specific requests or questions which should be scrutinized with particular attention. Level 2 support consists of advanced professionals with many years of experience in the hosting business. They are also taking care of supervising and training the support members of Level 1. Basically, all tickets that are forwarded to the Level 2 support are transferred with the comments and the resolution back to the Level 1 Support, which is then preparing the reply to the customer. This way the advanced knowledge is acquired by the Level 1 support team members immediately and that enables us for much faster resolution of issues with repetitive nature.
  5. If there are requests which are demanding advanced programming or system administration skills, the requests are forwarded to our Level 3 support team that consists of software developers and system administrators who will find a solution for EVERY problem. Again, after solving the issue the ticket is sent back to Level1 support, which is preparing the reply to the customer and automatically acquires the gained know-how for that task.


C. Support meets Management

Every two weeks the support team gathers for a meeting where ideas and special requests can be shared. Members of the senior management are joining these meetings as well – this way we ensure that all customer’s wishes are directly passed to the decision-makers in the company and that they can be rapidly featured on the hosting platform and reach the customers. That’s why with signing up for our reseller hosting program you can be sure that your clients will be satisfied.

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