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Turn Key Customization

The Only Web Hosting Reseller Program Offering Full Store Customization

Your brand is the highlight

Having a turn-key business template for your reseller website is very handy, but having the option to change things around a little bit is even better. By default, in the part where websites usually have a brand logo of some sort, your store will display the name you gave it upon registration. You can always change that name or even better – put a custom image instead! Creating an online business with ResellerCluster is all about options.


Take your reseller anonymity to the next level

Most of your clients won’t even notice that you are a web hosting reseller. Some of the more tech-savvy ones may notice a discrepancy in your NS records. To prevent that from happening you can buy our Private DNS Cluster package. It will anonymize your store so that it isn’t possible to know whether you are a web hosting reseller.


Full HTML support

More customization options! The header and footer areas support the usage of HTML code so you can customize them even further. This is completely optional though. If you don’t have sufficient HTML knowledge, it’s absolutely OK to leave the default options as they are. If you are willing to write some HTML code, you can put custom content in the Contacts, About, and Partners areas, as well as customize the Robots.txt and Sitemap.xml files and add affiliate banners.


Dominate your competition with SEO customization

Let’s face it – most of the traffic to your website is going to come from Google searches. Optimizing your website for the keywords your clients are looking for is very important. You can edit your title, description, and keyword tags for every page. If done properly, this can greatly influence the amount of traffic your web hosting reseller website gets.


Change the design of your home page

You are free to move around the graphical elements that fill the home page of your store. It’s a straightforward process done in the Store Design tab of your web hosting Reseller Control Panel. This option is very useful if you want to focus attention on a certain product or feature. You are even able to choose between four different color schemes for each of the two design templates (Grizly and Penguin templates)! Last but not least, you can customize the contents of Robots.txt and Sitemap.xml files in order to add affiliate banners.


Customize your product portfolio

If you want to focus on a particular web hosting niche, you can disable or enable every web hosting product or even create custom plans from scratch!


Expand your user base by offering free web hosting

The most effective way to increase the number of your clients is to promote the free web hosting service. While you don’t get a commission for the free hosting users, they are potential converts to the paid services, so it’s still well worth your time.


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ResellerCluster's Hosting Reselling program is completely free. You can create your white label hosting company in a matter of minutes, not days. And yes, it is free.


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